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What coffee should I use for my Breville Espresso machine?Updated 2 years ago

Any and all of our coffees work on espresso! They're all roasted with ample development time to be soluble and easy to extract — it's just about what kind of flavors you like! For a more classic, Italian-style espresso (more chocolatey/nutty), go with The Alentejo. Our most popular option for espresso is Beachwood. It's more caramelized. If you like something with more fruit notes, try out our Gedeb.

For extracting on the Breville, go for a double shot that takes between 25-30 seconds to put out between 35-40ml (or grams) of espresso.  If it's going much faster than that, make your grind finer. If it's taking longer than that, coarsen the grind.

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